near berlin, germany
6/7/8 august 1999

the story
the camp

who will come?

what does it cost?

who will come?

the camp will attract hackers and nerds and other other freedom-loving members of the intergalactic community. it will be a place for hackers, artists, activists and many, many others to network themselves, both in the social and electronic sense of the word (to cite the HIP faq, which perfectly got the point).

but you don't have to be a hard-core computer crack to participate. any open-minded visitor interested in hacking is welcome. in other words: the camp is for you.

you are invited to bring up your project on the camp. a few have already announced to come and this is a call for projects for the camp! please contact us if you have a project or just an idea or other enhancements that might help us.